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"Rose is our friend, love." Alice grinned at the kid. "But good job with stranger danger."
"Okay," she said, and tugged me through the living room toward the sliding glass doors where the swing set stood in plain view. I unlocked the door for her, and Luna led me over to a swing of her choosing.
"Need a boost?" I asked as she gripped the chains with the seat by her rear.
"Nope. I can do it." She pulled herself up and giggled when her feet dangled. "See?"
"Good job. Do you want me to push you?" I asked, smiling at her cute attempts to get herself moving.
"Just one push then you can swing, too."
"Yes, ma'am." I grinned and gave her one good push to get her started, before joining her on the adjacent swing.
"Rose, you can go so high!" squealed Luna, and I laughed hard as the freedom of the movement hit me like an uprising of wind.
"So can you. I bet you can beat me."
"I beat my sister. She thinks she's better but wrong." Luna giggled up a storm and I couldn't help sliding under the prospect of her joy.
"Is it fun having a sister?"
"Uh huh. I have two sisters. Do you?"
"Nope. No sisters."
"Do you have two mommies?"
"Nope." I leaned my head against the chains while watching her. "Two mommies is pretty special though."
"Uh huh. And a Papa Marc."
"Who's Papa Marc?"
"Moms say he helped make me and my sisters 'cause he loves us so much." Luna held her feet out in front of her as if admiring her boots. I certainly did so it made sense.
"Well, that sounds like a very special family to me," I said, unable to wipe the smile from my face at that point.
"Uh huh." Luna hummed a sweet tune while she swung, then dragged her feet to slow herself down after a few minutes. I followed suit and watched as she hopped from the swing then raced over to the slide. First, she cleaned off some fallen leaves from it, then proceeded to climb.
"Sam," I heard Ainsley call through the open door. The screen blocked some of my view of what they were doing, but I could hear what they said. "Careful. Okay?"
"I can handle it," Samirah said, just before the screen door opened and she stepped out.
I drew my gaze away to watch Luna on her third trip down the slide. She abandoned that endeavor for the seesaw swing.
Samirah joined us, and took a seat on the swing beside me while she smiled at Luna. "Hello, sweet girl."
"Sami, watch this." Luna stood up on the big swing and pretended to surf, while holding on though.
"That's pretty darn awesome, kiddo." Samirah grinned and clapped once. "I think you should be a skateboarder."
"Maybe Santa can bring me it," Luna said, giggling while she returned to her seat.
Samirah turned her attention to me and my gaze flickered in her direction, though I made sure I focused primarily on Luna in fear of her getting hurt on my watch.
"You're a natural with her. I saw," said Samirah.
"I grew up around a lot of kids. She's an easy one."
"A lot of siblings?"
I shook my head. "Foster care. Some of the houses had half-a-dozen kids or more at times."
"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that," Samirah's voice dropped an octave. "That must've been hard."
I nodded, glancing to her then back to Luna. She didn't say anything for some time after that, and we sat together on the swings while watching Luna play.
Alice opened the screen door and joined us a few minutes later. Luna ran to her right away, then pointed over to the treehouse portion of the swing set. "Where's Mommy?"
"Having a nap, sweetie. Let's you and me play." Alice dropped her down by the ladder so that she could climb up.
"But I want Mommy to play, too."
"She will when she wakes up." Alice glanced over at us and scowled. I hid my amusement and bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing.
"She's been clingy to Stella lately," muttered Samirah.
"How come?" I asked, turning my attention to her.
"Stella had to leave in the middle of the night twice recently and they think it scared her. Plus developmental age and all."
"It makes sense," I said, watching as Alice climbed into the covered portion of the treehouse with her daughter. The two of them began a game of pretend pirates and listening to them made me smile.
Jordan joined us outside and scurried over to the stone patio. In the center, a stone fire pit sat as the focal point. She crouched down and turned it on, letting the flames rise from the fake coals.
"Oh, Rosie," called Jordan in a sing-song voice, holding up a pair of scissors. "Are we layering that hair or what?"
"Um…" My cheeks burned again and I laughed. "Here?"
"Girl, I am the Mistress of Hair anywhere." She waved me over and I glanced at Samirah who grinned while she watched.
"All right." I stood from the swing, and wrapped my arms around myself as I made my way over.
"Have a seat on the bench here. I'll be right back," said Jordan before prancing off back inside.
"You're brave." Samirah took a seat on the bench adjacent to mine. "Letting her cut your hair on the fly."
"I've been wanting to do it, but haven't asked or anything."
"She must have a sixth sense for follicle needs."
I laughed, nodding as I looked up to Jordan when she returned. She set down a spray bottle, combs, and towels on the bench beside me before draping a smock around my shoulders.
"You have all of this at home?" asked Samirah.
"I have all of this everywhere." Jordan grinned while she ran her fingers through my hair after fastening the drape. "Rosie, I have an idea, but I will need your permission."
"What's that?" I looked up at her and she winked.
"Bangs. What do you think?" She tugged a bit of hair in front of my face. "I think it will look super cute."
"Are you sure?"
"I am. Trust me?"
"With my hair, maybe. Anything else, I'm still worried about the cat comment," I teased and she laughed.
"So long layers and bangs, yeah?" She wagged her brows at me, and her excitement nearly radiated from her. I glanced between her and Samirah, but Samirah beat me to speaking.
"Is that what you want, Rose?" asked Samirah, her tone unassuming. She watched me with the fire reflecting in her eyes.
"Um…" Her question brought me pause, and I considered all the appointments I didn't make with Jordan at her salon. I'd been wanting a change, but the opportunity hadn't come my way until now. "Yes."
"Hooray!" Jordan grinned and began spritzing my hair right away to wet it. "Let's carry on then."
Ainsley joined us with the ingredients to make s'mores, mugs of coffee, and more wine. Alice trotted over with Luna while everyone watched Jordan work her magic on my hair.
The way Jordan's fingers moved through my hair, how her nails grazed my scalp, sent shivers down my spine. Her touch soothed me in ways very little had in recent days and for once, my anxiety faded under the guise of a haircut. As if she understood my reaction, she smiled at me when she stood in front of me to section off my hair.
"Like that?" she asked, her voice soft. "You're relaxed."
"Feels nice."
"It's supposed to, sweetie. When was the last time we did your hair?"
"A few years, I think," I said, closing my eyes when she moved around me again.
"Auntie Jordan can do my hair, too?" asked Luna. Her adorable voice made all of us chuckle. I couldn't see any of them, but listening to them perpetuated my entertainment.
"You bet, kiddo. You're next."
"Yay! Momma, I can have more chocolate?"
"Oh yeah. Auntie Vee is going to love watching you tonight while Moms have alone time. Especially while you're running in circles."
"Auntie Vee likes circles," giggled Luna.
"Well, that's odd." Alice laughed along with Ainsley whose voice sounded like she'd moved closer to me.
When I opened my eyes, Ainsley perched herself on a small stool closer to the fire where she helped Luna roast marshmallows on a long stick. The smell of the sweet confection, coupled with the sensation of Jordan smoothing my hair, egged on my contentment.
"Okay, here we go. Ready for cuts?" asked Jordan, her hand on my shoulder.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
For the next half an hour, Jordan worked her magic on my hair. She moved around my body, twirling scissors and combs as if they were extensions to her own limbs, and cut off so much hair that my shoes slipped on it against the concrete. When she was done, she brushed me off, then plugged the hairdryer into the outlet on the side of the house. I'd never had my hair done outside before and it was a treat to say the least. I closed my eyes, and again, allowed myself to enjoy the sensations of the brush and Jordan's touch in rotation. It made me want to have my hair done all the time.
When the hum of the dryer ceased, I opened my eyes while Jordan moved around me again, inspecting her work and spritzing me with something here and there.
"This is perfect. I love the bangs," she said, running her fingers through them. "Ready for a look?"
I nodded, gulping down my breath when she reached for the mirror. Jordan held it in front of me, and when I saw myself, with perfectly crafted waves in rolling layers, plus the bangs, my eyes welled up almost immediately with the lash of emotion it caused.
"I love it," I said, my voice cracking.
"Told you. Mistress of Hair strikes again." Jordan's broad, proud grin made me laugh as she stepped away to reveal me to the others. "What do you all think?"
"It makes me want to meet her cat," exclaimed Ainsley, which earned her a swat from Jordan. I laughed and covered my face.
"You stay away from her cat, jerk." Jordan grabbed her in a headlock and the two of them broke into a playful round of wrestling by the fire.
"Don't burn each other or teach my kid bad manners." Alice threw marshmallows at them. "You look awesome, Rosie. Definitely a good look on you."
Samirah dodged a marshmallow, though her eyes lingered only on me in the moment. She reached across the bench, and I flinched before she stroked a lock of my hair. "You look beautiful."
That did it, and my heart thumped so hard in my chest that I could barely stop the uprising of emotion that the statement brought. Couple that with the haircut, and I nearly became a mess in front of them. I lifted the mirror from beside me and examined myself with bangs. I liked it, truly, and the notion brought me a surge of confidence.
Once Jordan stopped trying to kill her girlfriend, she returned to me and ran her fingers through my hair as she took pride in her work. "So nice."
"Thank you for doing it. On your night off of all times." I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled at the light, feathery feel it now carried.
"I enjoy it. Especially when it makes pretty women smile." Jordan winked at me and gathered up her supplies back into their bag. Ainsley swept up the fallen tendrils of my hair and I stood up to help her with the dustpan.
Our night tapered out after that, with Luna falling asleep just after the sun set. We all walked out together, and while waiting for Ainsley to pull her car out of the garage, Samirah approached me. Alice and Stella settled Luna in her car seat behind us.
"Rose," called Samirah and I met her gaze. "Do you like to hike?"
"Um...I've never been. But I like nature. Why?"
"Before heading back to Olympia to prep for my move in a few weeks, I was wondering if you'd join me on a hike tomorrow. There's an easy trail at Rattlesnake Ledge I'd like to try," she said, gesturing to me.
"Just me?" I glanced around us at the others.
"Yes, you. And the others if they're up for it, but since I've just met you, I thought I'd ask you directly."
"Um...maybe." I glanced at Ainsley when she exited her car after backing it partially down the drive. "If Ainsley goes."
"Where am I going?" she asked, looking between us.
"On a hike with us tomorrow. What do you say?" Samirah's smile broadened and she nudged Ainsley.
"I'll check with Jordan and see, but a hike sounds lovely." Ainsley grabbed my elbow and the sudden gesture startled me. "Rosie and I will make a pitstop to buy some hiking boots on the way home."
"What? It's nine at night." My brow furrowed.
"Rose, can I get your number to confirm for tomorrow?" asked Samirah. "Just in case."
"Sure. Yeah." She handed me her phone and I tapped my number into the new contact space.
"Great. Thank you." Samirah pocketed her phone and winked at me as she hurried over to join her friends.
I turned to Ainsley and she gestured toward the car. "Your chariot, Goldilocks."
"Only Jordan is allowed to call me that." I laughed and hopped into the passenger seat.
"Why?" Ainsley laughed as she climbed in and turned over the engine.
"Because she is the mistress of my hair."
Ainsley burst into a round of hysterics before we headed off into the night, apparently, to buy hiking boots.
Chapter Three
I wasn't sure if it was my new hair that gave me the confidence to join these women on a hiking trip, or the fact that I had fun with them the night prior. Whatever the reason, I didn't hate it, and for my first hike, it wasn't too terrible. Jordan seemed to have a different opinion, however. Two hours into the hike, she dropped down to sit on a rock and whined.
"Why did I agree to this? I'm gonna die." She groaned and fanned herself with her phone. "And my hair is getting poofy."
Ainsley laughed at her and turned her water bottle upside down over the front of Jordan's shirt. "Cool off, bubba."
Jordan gasped and shrieked. "Ainsley!"
"Quit shouting. Get it together, girl." Ainsley handed her a wrapped sandwich. "And eat something before I push you in the canyon."
Samirah and I laughed at them, then joined them as Ainsley's gesture seemed to trigger lunchtime. The two of them continued to battle it out while I pulled my pack into my lap, then dug around for a protein bar. I unwrapped it and took a few bites while Jordan and Ainsley opened a bag of chips.
"That's all you brought?" asked Samirah as she gestured in my direction.
"I don't mind it," I said, showing her the double-chocolate crunch bar.
"Here." She turned to the side and lifted the second half of her turkey sandwich, then offered it to me.
I started, holding my hand up to her. "No-no, it's okay. I'm good."
"In an hour, you'll be starving with just that. Trust me. I'm a doctor." Samirah chuckled, lifting a single brow at me. "It's not poisoned. I promise."
"But then you'll be hungry…"
"How about this then." She set the sandwich in my lap, then snatched the second half of my protein bar out of my hand. "We each eat half of both."
I let out a soft laugh and nodded, because how could I argue with that. "Okay."
"Good." Samirah smiled then wagged her brows at me while taking an oversized bite of her sandwich. I picked up my half and joined her in it.
Jordan and Ainsley continued to poke and prod each other, so I kept my focus on Samirah. Her calmer presence didn't unnerve me as much as the wild ones across the rock. Birds chirped in the trees around us and a sparrow nibbled on food bits left beside us. I picked a few pieces of bread off my sandwich and tossed him some. A chickadee landed beside him and before I knew it, they moved close to my crossed legs while I shared my lunch with them. I held a few crumbs in my palm, and my surprise, they hopped closer, stole the food, and flew off.
"That was super cute," said Samirah, leaning her chin on her hands. "Like you."
"They must be used to humans from all the trail—what?" My stomach tensed when what she said caught up to me.
"I think you heard me."
"I'm not cute." I dropped my gaze to the ground in front of me, then gathered the wrappers from our trash. Samirah's hand fell to my forearm, and I froze. I glanced
at her, and her grip turned to a gentle stroke.
"I think you're cute," she said. Her eyes, intense and hazel, bore into me as if daring me to challenge that.
"Okay," was all I managed to say.
I urged my arm away from her and turned to Ainsley who immediately rose from her space beside Jordan to come sit across from me.
"Can you take me home?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Of course. Rosie, I think you should hear Sami out for a minute though." Ainsley held her hand to me, but I wrapped my arms around myself instead of taking it.
"Rose, I'm sorry that I upset you. I didn't mean to," said Samirah, turning sideways so that she faced both of us. "Are you angry?"
"Yes," I said, a rush of relief following when she gave voice to the emotion I struggled to keep at bay.
"What made you angry?"
"I feel like the three of you set me up on purpose. I don't like that. I want to leave." I pulled my pack over my shoulders after tossing my water bottle in it.
"Jordan and Ainsley didn't set you up, Rose. Yes, I asked you here because I wanted to get to know you better." Samirah's posture remained calm and steady. "And they came along because you asked them too."
"I'm not a child. We're both in our thirties. You could've just said you liked me or something. I don't like this and I want to leave," I said, standing up and turning back toward the trail.
"Okay. We'll leave then." Samirah stood up first, and the others followed suit.
This time, I led the way toward the completion of the trail. All three of them walked behind me and I didn't turn around until we were back near the cars. My heart pounded, my body tensed, and the anger in my chest only seeded itself deeper. Ainsley caught up to me in the parking area.
"Leave me alone, Ainsley. I trusted you and you set me up. All of this was. Dinner, bringing Samirah to your house, Jordan doing my hair. All of it." I shoved away from her when she stepped in front of me. "In fact, get away from me. I'll call a cab."
"Rosie. Stop. None of that is true." Ainsley hurried after me, but when I swung around, Jordan was the one in front of me.
"Hey," she said, holding her hands up. "Rosie, I swear. We didn't try and set you up. Sami coming to dinner was a total surprise to all of us."