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  Chapter Two

  An hour later, we pulled up to Ainsley's house on the very edge of the city. In the residential area, the air smelled different and the trees stood higher than the homes. She led me inside after we parked in the garage, only to be greeted by a chipper Jordan.

  "Rosie!" she squeaked out my name before I could even gain my bearings. Jordan's arms encircled me and I let out a soft laugh against her shoulder.

  "I love your rainbow hair," I said, admiring the colors perfectly blended with her elegant natural black.

  "Thank you." She leaned back, grinning as she ran her fingers through my damp hair. "Now, what are we going to do with you, Goldilocks? Your hair is so long. Have you ever dyed it?"

  "No." My cheeks heated to a flush and I glanced to Ainsley who smiled cheekily beside us. "This is my normal color."

  "For once, I wouldn't touch it," said Jordan, toying with a strand before gathering my hair over my shoulder. "Perfect color. Thick and pretty. Maybe some layers though."

  "Maybe." I smiled and let her dote on me. I could handle my hair being complimented. It was much easier to tolerate than compliments about my general character.

  "We'll see how dinner goes first." Jordan's grin, a tangle of mischievousness and entreaty, settled some of my anxiety over showing up to their house. "Can I get you some wine? Beer? Soda?"

  "Soda is fine," I said, joining her and Ainsley in the dining room. No one else was there yet, so I stuck close to them and followed Ainsley's lead. She unwrapped some of the appetizer trays on the table, all of which included veggies, fruit, and various cheeses, before dropping onto one of the seats.

  "I made friends with Rosie's cat," announced Ainsley.

  Jordan nearly choked as she brought me a glass filled with ice. "You what now?"

  "Made friends with Rosie's cat." Ainsley helped herself to a chunk of watermelon. "It was so cute."

  Jordan looked between us, a dark eyebrow quirked. "I'm going to assume you actually have a cat," she said, her eyes on me as she offered me a choice of three different kinds of sodas.

  "Um...yes. His name is Ziggy." I glanced between them, then chose the diet cola. "And he's ceramic."

  "Phew. For a minute there…" Jordan laughed as she poured out the drink. "One can never be sure what this one is actually saying." She nodded in her girlfriend's direction.

  "You didn't really think I was talking about her vagina, Jordan." Ainsley smacked her upside the head, then snatched the regular soda from her arm. "Get with it."

  "I can never tell with you! I'm pretty sure if you saw her vagina that you would call it cute though, to be fair." Jordan flailed then took the rest of the drinks back to the kitchen.

  I burst out laughing at the two of them. "Oh my God. Can you please avoid referencing my vagina from here on out?"

  "Noted!" called Jordan, but Ainsley giggled behind her cup.

  "Babe, we have an extra place setting," Ainsley said after a moment.

  "We're good. Stella said she's bringing a friend from work with her. Or at least Alice said that Stella said that—well, you get it."

  Ainsley met my gaze in an instant. "Are you okay with that?"

  I nodded, gesturing to the table. "Of course. It's your house."

  "But if you weren't comfortable with an extra, I'd say something."

  "I'm okay, Ainsley."

  "Would you tell me if you weren't?"

  "You'd notice. I'm not good at hiding it."

  "Hmm." She tapped the side of her head and smiled.

  Jordan joined us at the table, her apron hanging low on her hips at this point. "The roast has about half an hour on it."

  "Thanks for cooking, baby." Ainsley leaned over and smooched her shoulder before snatching up a bit of cheese.

  "It was my turn." Jordan grinned then turned her attention to me. "How's work been for you, Rosie?"

  "Good. I really like what I do."

  "You're pretty good at it, I hear."

  My brow furrowed and I asked, "From who?"

  "All our cop friends who work with you."

  "Reliable sources then." I smiled then sipped my soda. Ainsley pointed at the snacks and I nodded my agreement to indulge.

  A few minutes later, the front door opened and the bustle of feet echoed on the wood floor. Soft murmurs, shuffling bags, and a small whine joined the sounds.

  "I got her," said Alice, whose voice I recognized.

  "Are you sure, baby?"

  "I am." Alice appeared a moment later with a little girl perched on her hip. The girl clung to Alice's neck, her legs tucked under her arms and she whined on and off. She must've been around three or four. Despite her position, I couldn't help admiring her adorable outfit. She wore a Halloween dress with pumpkins and witches, black stockings, and little orange combat boots. Stella appeared, windswept and in scrubs, carrying at least three bags.

  "Let me take something, Stell," said the voice of a third woman who followed them into the room. I'd met Stella before, but never her daughters. The girl in Alice's arms could've been her clone.

  "It's okay. I've got it."

  "You've got precisely nothing. Give it." The woman behind them stood equal height to Stella, but with black hair pinned back with a sleek clip. She, too, wore a set of blue scrubs, and the two of them appeared as if they'd just run here from surgery.

  "Sheesh. All right." Stella relinquished some of the bags as Jordan and Ainsley stood to greet them. I rose from my seat, picking at my nails as my nerves churned the bubbly drink in my gut.

  "You're missing some littles," announced Jordan as she kissed Stella's cheek.

  "We were all set to have Finnley watch the girls, but we had a last minute combatant." Alice patted the little girl's rear. "Luna changed her mind."

  "We'll take our pretty little moon any day." Ainsley tickled Luna's sides and the girl squirmed, hiding her face against Alice's neck.

  "And we both got stuck at work," said Stella. "Everyone this is Samirah, Samirah, everyone—I really have to pee."

  "Go, go." Jordan rushed her off and laughed as she took the bags from Samirah to shake her hand. "Nice to meet you. Come in. All of you."

  "You as well. Thank you for having me." When she smiled, the woman's hazel eyes brightened against her soft bronze skin. Her thick, perfect eyebrows, strong cheekbones, and endless lashes held my attention as her gaze fell on me. Her smile parted her lips, and for reasons unbeknownst to me, my face flushed with heat.

  "This is our friend, Rose." Jordan gestured to me and I offered them a small wave.

  "Hey you." Alice kissed my cheek, and I smiled.

  "Hi. Nice to see you."

  Stella hurried back over to us appearing slightly less rushed, and drew in a deep breath. "Hi, Rose." The minute Luna saw her, she started to whine and reach for her.

  "Hey," I said, smiling at her, then returning to my seat once everyone gathered around the table.

  "Okay, baby. Mommy's sorry." Stella plucked Luna from Alice and the little girl curled up against her just the same. Stella offered her wife a glance laden with exhaustion as she hugged her daughter and let out a slow breath. Alice leaned over and kissed her forehead while giving her hair a few strokes.

  "Easy, honey."

  "I'm so tired," she said, pressing her lips to Luna's cheek. "And hungry."

  "We're in a good place for the latter."

  Ainsley and Jordan bustled about to get everyone drinks and settle them in comfortably. Alice sat to my left, with Stella on hers, and Samirah to my right with the others directly across.

  "You guys could've bailed, Stell. We would've dealt with it," said Jordan as she offered her a glass of wine. "Care to indulge or are we still on breastfeeding abstinence?"

  "No more breastfeeding. If our kid can eat pizza, she's not suckling my nips anymore," Alice blurted out and it made us laugh. "They're saggy enough."

  "They are not." Stella swatted her from around Luna then addressed the clingy girl. "Sweetie, Auntie Jordan has your f
avorites. Look."

  Luna peeked up and the moment she saw the cheese on the table, she reached for it. No one stopped her and Jordan beamed with pride.

  "I knew she'd want that brie."

  "My three-year-old is a cheese snob," said Alice. "I blame her mother for her rich palette."

  "Well, you all seem like a load of fun," said Samirah, her eyes nearly twinkling in the light of the chandelier.

  "So, how do you two know each other?" Ainsley asked, gesturing between Samirah and Stella. "I already know how I know her."

  "From meeting her cat?" Jordan scoffed and I shared a laugh with her.

  "No." Ainsley narrowed her eyes at Jordan. "She knows my mom from work. And me from my busy-body days."

  "She is correct on all accounts except I don't have a cat." Samirah helped herself to a piece of pepperoni. "And you're still a busy-body, Ainsley. That hasn't changed."

  "Not in the least," she chirped, grinning after.

  "How's work for you, Rose?" asked Alice. "You look good, by the way. Your hair got long."

  "Thanks. Work is good. Busy, but Walsh listens to what I have to say. It's a meaningful position," I said, my fingers gripping the hem of my sweater when my nerves kicked in again under the attention.

  "Of course. You've always been a strong analyst," said Alice, her brow furrowed. "Did someone not treat you well there?"

  "No, not really. Sadie is harsh sometimes, but I understand why."

  "She can be a know-it-all bitc—" Alice grunted when Stella elbowed her. "Bitcoin."

  I laughed and nodded my agreement.

  Rounds of small talk and catching up followed, and I found my attention fading in and out at times. Luna drew my focus as her grumpiness seemed to slink away while she bit into a hunk of cantaloupe. Stella brushed her hair from her face now that the girl sat facing the table, and gathered it in a loose ponytail. The two of them looked quite alike. Luna caught my gaze and smiled as she tilted her head to the side. She waved at me with the hand that held her melon. I waved back with a chuckle.

  "Do you have kids?" asked Samirah, drawing my attention to her. I'd almost forgotten she sat beside me for a moment and it startled me.

  I shook my head, glancing from Luna to her. "No, but that one sure is cute."

  "She is." Samirah's smile broadened and her gaze lingered on mine long enough to tighten my throat with a gulp.

  "Do you have kids?"

  "I don't. But I believe anyone who does is a goddamn hero." She lifted her wine glass in salute before taking a sip.


  Alice continued to stroke Stella's hair, doting on her in turn with making sure she had plenty to eat. It was the cutest thing to see, second only to the way Luna called them Moms when talking to them at the same time.

  "Moms, I can have more watermelon?" she asked, and it made me smile.

  "So what happened at work that you both look about ready to pass out?" asked Ainsley, glancing between Stella and Samirah.

  "My shift was about to end this morning when a flood of injuries came into the E.R. after a bus accident. I ended up hanging back," answered Stella. "Sam is staying with us for the weekend while she closes on her condo this Monday, so I dragged her along."

  "And I got called in for a bunch of emergency surgeries," answered Samirah, nodding to Stella. "I'm grateful for my boarders."

  "It's been great having an equal kid to adult ratio. I can say that much." Alice laughed and Stella nodded her agreement.

  "Do you work in the E.R.?" asked Jordan.

  "No. I'm an anesthesiologist," Samirah answered, in between bites of cheese.

  "Fancy." Jordan swooned, and it made Samirah smile.

  "Maybe the career path, but not the physician," she said, wagging her brows at Jordan.

  "How long have you and Stella been friends?" Jordan held most of the small talk together while Ainsley entertained Luna. She wiggled her fingers and Luna slid from Stella's lap and into Ainsley's.

  Stella and Alice took the opportunity to share a sweet kiss, followed by Alice wrapping her arms around her wife's shoulders. Stella leaned in to her, and offered me a soft smile when she caught me admiring them. I dropped my gaze to my glass, and took a sip of soda to distract myself.

  "A few years now. I'm in and out of procedures all the time, and she checks up on all her patients admitted from the E.R. We've gotten to know each other that way and by shared meal breaks," said Samirah. "I'm not always at U.W., but I've chosen to move to put down some roots here."

  "Not to mention she was Alice's provider when she had Aurora," added Stella.

  "Best doctor ever. I felt nothing. No pain. Baby slid on out." Alice patted her now-flat stomach and it made all of us laugh.

  "She's a liar. She forgets her thirty-six hours of labor," said Samirah, chuckling.

  "Don't remind me. Amnesia is lovely." Alice scowled and it made us all laugh.

  "All right, ladies. Dinner is about ready," said Jordan once the oven timer went off. She headed off into the kitchen and Alice released Stella to stand.

  "Let me help, Jordy. Ainsley has Luna."

  "Stell," called Ainsley. "Want me to make a quick cup of coffee for you with dinner?"

  "I'll be okay. Thank you though."

  "Mommy had work forever," said Luna, gazing up at Ainsley while nibbling on a cracker.

  "I know, sweet face." She kissed her forehead. "Your mommy works very hard."

  "Doctor work is important. Right?" Luna's eyes brightened at the declaration, and all of us gazed at her with reverent smiles.

  "Right." Ainsley tapped her nose.

  "She's so cute," said Samirah, looking from Luna to Stella. "And she looks just like you."

  "We swear our DNA got mixed for that kid because she was Allie's egg in my uterus." Stella smiled at her daughter who Ainsley continued to entertain while Alice and Jordan toted dinner to the table.

  "Really?" Samirah smiled at Stella, then glanced back to Luna. "I might agree about that mixing suggestion."

  "Can I help?" I asked Jordan when she stood beside me to set down a bowl of mashed potatoes.

  "Nope. You relax yourself, Goldilocks. You're our guest. Allie isn't a guest. She works here." Jordan waved me off and Alice shoved her shoulder when they headed back to the kitchen.

  "We wanted to carry a part of each other. It was the best way we knew how. Aurora was mine in Allie." Stella smiled at Alice when she returned with a dish of roasted veggies and leaned back when her wife offered her an upside-down kiss.

  "They're super cute," Samirah leaned over to whisper close to my cheek.

  "They are." Again, a rush of warmth overcame me and I sipped my drink, avoiding her gaze as I focused on the others who bustled around us.

  Eventually, we all sat down to dinner, and Ainsley settled Luna into a chair beside her.

  "Are you sure, Ainsley?" asked Alice.

  "We got this, right, kiddo?" Ainsley grinned and served Luna a little bit of everything, including the roast.

  "Right, Auntie. We have to cut it small. Right, Moms?" Luna pointed at her dish and I about melted in my chair from her cuteness. Jordan seemed to share the sentiment, because she leaned her chin on her hand while she gazed at Luna.

  A warm hand fell to my back, drawing my attention to Samirah. "What can I pass you?" she said, gesturing to larger plates closer to her side of the table.

  "Um, a little of everything is fine," I said, my voice softer than I intended.

  When I looked back to the others, I noted Alice and Stella sharing a wide-eyed glance, each wearing a similar smirk.

  Dinner went without a hitch and Jordan's delicious cooking was a treat, to say the least. Rebecca cooked for us, but I rarely cooked for myself. A hot, home-cooked dinner twice in the same week was something special for sure.

  While everyone around me chatted and shared their reactions, I focused on my plate, and allowed myself to tune out much of the stimuli that sometimes overwhelmed me. Early on, I learned to induce a
sort of tunnel vision that blocked me from seeing anything around me, or paying it much mind.

  "You're very quiet," whispered a soft voice to my right. I glanced at Samirah and gulped down the bite of beef.

  "I'm sorry."

  Her soft smile cooled when she heard my apology and my shoulders relaxed at the reception of such. "For what?"

  "I'm not sure," I confessed. So much for the anxiety-blocking mechanisms, because it returned full-force.

  "There's no need to be sorry. I was making an observation. Quiet people tend to be thoughtful and you struck me as such," she said, her tone unassuming. The way she wrapped her lips around her fork, with such delicateness, distracted me for a moment.

  "I can be."

  "Or a little nervous. Something tells me you're both."

  I nodded, set down my fork, and sipping my drink. I glanced at her and she offered me a gentle smile before returning her attention to the others.

  "Momma, I want to go on the swings." Luna burst forth the second she cleared her plate.

  "Not now, honey." Alice caught her around the middle after she slid off her chair and bolted from Ainsley's grasp. "Now is dinner time."

  Immediately, Luna looked to Stella who shook her head. "It's dinner time."

  "But I want to." And there went the bottom lip poking out. "I'm finished."

  "Everyone else is not finished." Alice lifted Luna into her lap. "You can sit here and wait quietly."

  "I can take her," I offered, gesturing to my empty plate. "If you like."

  Stella and Alice shared a glance and Luna clapped once. "I can go!"

  "Are you sure, Rose?" asked Stella.

  "I am." I nodded and set my napkin beside my plate.

  "Best decision you ever made, babe." Jordan nudged Ainsley with her elbow. "Keeping those swings up after you bought this place."

  "I planned to turn them into a place to hang a giant wind chime, but alas, swings won over." Ainsley snapped her fingers and Jordan shook her head at her.

  I stood from my seat and held my hand to Luna. "Show me where?"

  She took my hand after Alice set her down. "Are you a stranger?"

  A soft chuckle left me and I deferred to her parents.